The  Hairless Chinese Crested is a very unusual looking dog. chinese-crested.jpgThey have a mouth structure where their teeth point forward and they have problems with soft and loose teeth that easily fall out. It’s not unusual for them to be toothless by the age of four. Since they have no fur on their body they sunburn easily. You have to put a moisturizer on them. Would you believe that they get acne?  Although they are unusual looking, I wouldn’t say that they are an ugly breed of dog.

Every year at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in Petaluma California dogs compete for the Worlds Ugliest Dog Competition. Most of these dogs are hairless Chinese Crested, or mixed Chinese Crested dogs.  This is a picture of Archie who won the Worlds Ugliest Dog Competition in 2006. He was abandoned and scheduled for euthanasia. His owner found out about him and adopted him without even seeing him. The shelter paid for 1/2 of his fees. Archie had four teeth.


Then there’s Elwood who won the competition last year. He is a Chinese Crested mix. He was adopted after it was found out that his breeder was going to put him down because he was too ugly to sell. He was not ugly to his owner, who thinks he is beautiful inside. It is not unusual to see a Hairless Chinese Crested dog with their tongues sticking out. This is because of their lack of teeth. Looks like Elwood has no teeth.


Then there’s Tinky, my sweet little 2 year old Chihuahua. I should have entered her last year, but didn’t. I know she would have won first place. Sometimes she’s a mean little dog and she really looks ugly when she snarls. She is so mean, she gave her “brother” Jonesy a “shiner”.


Here is a YouTube Video of some of the ugliest dogs. Disclaimer…this video is rated U for Ugly. 
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  1. Melissa Says:

    They do always win. They are a funny breed!
    🙂 Melissa

  2. Sassy is a Chinese Crested/Poodle mix; a Crestypoo. Here are some pictures of her
    She looks kinda’ funny. She sometimes will snarl, sort of like your Tinky – makes her that much more cuter in my opinion.

  3. Those are some pretty funny doggies! And you are right, Me and Dobby have had a very busy Week 🙂 Dobby’s grandparents (my parents), aunties, and cousin Gracie (a sheltie puppy) were in town- quite a crowd! I’ll be posting pictures of their shenanigans. It was good to hear from you!

  4. Tasmaniac Says:

    My wife loves chinese crested & mexican hairless. I will stick with poodles I think

  5. Gina Says:

    They are so ugly and almost scary looking but if I had one, I know I would love it. Tinky doesn’t look one bit ugly–she is always cute no matter how scary she is trying to look. Tuffy does the same thing. They have a Napoleon complex.

    I have a little trouble with Tinky. She tries to be the Alpha Dog in the house.


  6. Checkers Says:

    Talk about the “tongue thing!” Holy cow!

    Yeah, Checkers,

    They have you and Sissy beat.


  7. Rusty Says:

    YIKES! Poor babies. I”m so glad they have someone to love them.

  8. Felicity Says:

    I have to be honest… I am a cat girl… but I agree with those ‘ugly’ dogs… that they are ugly but still, everyone needs someone…

  9. jeanett666 Says:

    I love them bc they are “ugly” and few likes them. you really have to see their peronalitey 😀

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