
Here is a picture that I took of Jonesy the other day. What do you think he’s up to?  His head is low to the ground, and his nose is sniffin’. His eyes are fixed, his ears are up and alert, and he is in deep concentration.

As you know I have a gopher problem in my yard. I have been chasing that pesky gopher around the yard for 2 months and there are 8 gopher holes in my yard.

I couldn’t take it any more! I put a price on that gopher’s head. There will be extra kibble in the bowl, a fully stuffed Kong and extra tummy rubs for a week for the first one that catches that dang gopher. Here is Jonesy (“Dog The Gopher Hunter”) stalking his bounty.

He is confident that he will be the first one to nab that gopher. As he says, “I have a finely tuned sense of smell that is better than a hound dog.  I am built low to the ground which enables me to see, hear and smell everything better. I will catch that gopher or my name is not “Dog The Gopher Hunter”!

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13 Comments on ““DOG” THE GOPHER HUNTER”

  1. Rusty Says:

    Dog the Gopher Hunter! That’s cute.

    You go Jonesy! I know you can do it. But I suspect even if you don’t get that pest you will still get lots of belly rubs! Your mom loves you lots.

  2. pugnotes Says:

    Jonesy is the coolest! Big personality in that little body!
    🙂 Melissa and Emmitt

  3. Gina Says:

    Adorable little boy. He can do it!

  4. TheAgedCat Says:

    He looks great! Totally a dog on a mission!

  5. jamesviscosi Says:

    You should get him a little headlamp so he can pursue the gophers into their lairs!

  6. lizlangley Says:

    he does look serious about it! good luck jonesy!

  7. Tasmaniac Says:

    Just keep diggin’ Jonesy & Gopher them
    Love the headlamp comment 🙂

  8. Mercedes Says:

    Go Jonesy Go! You can do it! WOOF!

  9. Go for it, Jonesy!

    4urpets, YOU have been tagged!

  10. Sherry Says:

    I just found your blog and how cute it is. I do love my pets too. My Daisy sniffs the yard for cottontails. I loved Jonesy birthday photo how cute it was. I enjoyed reading this morning I’ll come back for sure.
    Come on over to my journey and meet the gang. I usually write every Saturday about Daisy and her friends here. There are a lot of them. Come see us. Oh and we have a grand dog that must be related to Jonesy. I’ll put up a post soon of him. Blessings.Sherry

  11. In PA we call gophers — woodchucks!

    Now I know what a woodchuck is. I have a question for you…

    How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

    You would know that answer wouldn’t you?


  12. twobarkingdogs Says:

    That gopher doesn’t stand a chance!

    Enjoying your blog, too!


  13. Jaime Says:

    He seems to be hot on the trail!!

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