Posted tagged ‘microchip implanted’


January 3, 2008

Well, the New Year came in with a dull thud. I spent New Years in bed with a little touch of the flue virus. I haven’t posted anything on my blog lately, and my brain is still fried, so I can’t think of much to post.

Thank goodness Gina tagged me, or I wouldn’t have anything to post today. I am supposed to share 7 random or weird facts about myself on my blog. Since my blog is not about me (I am very boring), I will share 7 facts about my dogs, Jonesy, Sissy and Tinky.

  1. I do not take my dogs to the vet to get their teeth cleaned. I do not want them put under. I take them to Canine Care, Inc. and they clean their teeth without anesthesia. Their teeth are so clean, that I have to put on sunglasses so the bling won’t hurt my eyes.
  2. All my dogs are spayed and neutered and have microchips implanted in them. I am afraid to take them through security because they might “beep”.
  3. When my dogs were puppies, I bought wee wee pads to potty train them. Now I need to train them off the wee wee pads (do they have anti-wee wee pads?)
  4. Sissy thinks she is a full blooded Chihuahua, but I think there was another doggy in the woodpile somewhere.
  5. In order to get Jonesy to eat his kibble in a reasonable amount of time, I have to put his bowl of kibble on the couch. If I put the bowl on the floor, he would take 1 piece of kibble in his mouth, run up on the couch, eat the kibble, run back down to the floor and get one more piece of kibble….on and on. What a neurotic dog.
  6. Tinky is mean to Jonesy. They seem to get into it a lot, especially if she is sleeping and Jonesy gets near her, or if she is on my lap and Jonesy gets too close.
  7. Jonesy hates to go bye bye. As soon as he sees his leash, he runs to the couch and cowers. As soon as he’s outside, he is perfectly fine.

Now I am going to tag a few of my friends. It would be nice if you participate, but not mandatory. Please don’t hate me.

Miles, dogsrulecatsdrool, Checkers, Dennis, infinitygoods