Posted tagged ‘Canela’


November 19, 2007

Jonesy was a rescue dog, which my son and I  adopted  on December 24, 2000. The adoption center made us promise to keep his name, so that spared me the anquish of trying to find a name befitting the cutest little Chihuahua anyone could ever have.  He also looked like a “Jonesy”. Of course Noel would have been a cute name for him too, but Jonesy it was!



About six months later, I got my second Chihuahua. She was the cutest little fur ball you could ever imagine. I didn’t have a name for her, but I had to think of one fast as she had an appointment with the vet and I didn’t want to just call her “Dog”. I wanted a name a Chihuahua would be proud of! I thought about Canela which means “cinnamon”, and Chiquita, which means “little”. I called her both names for a week. Finally when I got her to the vet’s, I penned her name as Chiquita. About a month later I kept calling her Sissy. After all, she was part of my family and she was Jonesy’s little “sister”.

Five years later, I got “Tinky”. Her name wasn’t that difficult to think of. I thought of that name the minute I saw her picture when she was about three weeks old.  I named her Tinky because she looked like a little stinker, a little trouble maker, and Tinky is short for “stinky”.

So, tell me what you named any of your dogs, and why. I bet there are some pretty funny  answers out there.